Rooted in Floral Excellence and Thoughtful Creativity

At Sweet July Design, deep thought and intentionality goes into every aspect of our designs. We love keeping the whimsical, natural, and untamed beauty in our designs.

We are passionate about sustainable practices:

  • We are 100% foam-free. We utilize a compostable alternative and other multi-use floral mechanics to put flower arrangements together. 

  • While flowers need a lot of water naturally,  we conserve as much water as possible. 

  • We reuse all the materials that we can, even disposable plastic flower sleeves!

  • We  believe in picking flowers that are in-season. Flowers are sourced locally first and whenever possible.

Annie Borden- Founder, Florist, Flower Enthusiast

The first time I saw a ranunculus, it stopped me in my tracks. I needed to know what it was. It made me realize that there was a whole world of flowers beyond stiff red roses. While I have always loved to create, no artistic medium ever held my attention for long – until I was asked to do flowers for a family member's wedding.  At the time, I was growing flowers in every available bit of dirt I had and realized I might have a bit of a flower obsession.  In flower arranging, I found something that could make me forget time.

I transitioned my work in 2018 from “just for fun”  to a business based on a desire to add joy to the world through flowers.  Now, I’m more flower-infatuated than ever, learning all the time, and I adore designing for amazing, thoughtful couples. If you want a florist who will gush about seasonal flowers, spend way too much time obsessing over details (like which zinnia color is perfect for you), cry when she sees you in your wedding attire, and believes in a community-over-competition approach to business, then you’re in the right place.   I can’t wait to meet you!